To keep your business running, you have to look after your truck very well. Not just truck tyre puncture repair is your only duty, but also the maintenance of the truck is important. One definitely needs manpower and financial stability to run his business, but the truck is as important for your business, as are the clients to contact your company. If you don't have the right equipment or fully operational trucks with proper maintenance, then you are at a big loss. Your company is of no use until you have a truck that can transport cargo and freight. The purpose of a carrier company is to pick the delivery and deliver it in the right place, safely. You ought to maintain your vehicles properly. In accordance with a routine schedule, regular truck maintenance is very much important to be conducted. There are some things that have to be done by your drivers. Of them, few are required to be done not just on the decided maintenance days but also when you take a halt at a truck stop...